Tips for Holidays with kids

The holidays can be a joyful but stressful times for both adults as well as children. As some of us expand our social circle for the first holiday season following this pandemic, it is important to recognize that children need time to acclimate after almost 2 years of social isolation. Here are some tips to help you through this joyful season:

  1. Try to keep to a regular nap and feeding schedule as much as possible.

  2. Prepare your child in advance as to what to expect at each gathering. Be realistic about your expectations for behavior. An energetic toddler will still be energetic at a family gathering.

  3. Prepare your family/friends that your child might be shy and need a few minutes to adjust. It can be overwhelming for a child to be approached and hugged by strangers or family they have not seen in a while.

  4. Take time to get outside and do some relaxing family activities.

  5. Remember to take a “time out” for yourself. Children mimic parents in terms of stress levels and a 15 minute “time out” might help you refresh.


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