Quality Counts
Choosing a quality child care center is one of the most important decisions that a parent will ever make. This information is designed to assist parents in making an informed decision regarding child care placement.
Pre-enrollment Visit
We suggest that you and your child visit us in order to see what we have to offer. This is a good opportunity for your child to interact with other children and become familiar with the classroom before his/her first day.
At this time we can also let you know the availability in your child’s particular classroom, and/or place your name on our waiting list. Please Contact Us with any questions regarding your specific needs.
Registration Fee
Stony Creek charges a $50 non-refundable registration fee
Tuition is to be paid on a bi-weekly or monthly prepay basis. Payment is due on Friday for the following 2 weeks or the last day of the month for the following month.
Payment not received by Monday (for bi-weekly payments) or the 2nd (for monthly payments) will incur a $5 late fee for each business day beyond the due date. Total penalty for any single payment will not exceed 20% of the balance. Payments may be made by cash or check, made payable to “Stony Creek Preschool”. There will be a $25 charge for all returned checks.
Prior to your first day
Please complete and turn in the following:
Child Placement Contract
Registration Fee
Tuition for first 2 weeks
Child Information Record (Emergency Card)
Health Form