Accident Reports
Parents will be notified in the event of injury. Our staff completes an accident reports should injury occur to your child such as bumps, bites, bruising, etc.
There is a sign in/out sheet in each classroom. Please sign your child in/out daily by indicating the drop-off and pick-up times with your initials in the space provided.
It is not necessary to call the school when your child will be absent, unless he/she attends after Milan schools. However, if your child has missed more than two consecutive days, please contact the school.
When bringing your child to school, please feel free to arrive 5-10 minutes before their scheduled time. Please be prompt when picking up your child. For your child’s safety, please walk him/her to the classroom and sign in/out on the sign in/out sheet located in your child’s room.
Parents are charged for time away from the Center due to illness/bereavement/personal reasons.
There are no refunds or exchanging of days due to school closings, holidays, illness, doctor visits, family emergencies or any other absence.
There are no refunds or exchanging of days due to school closings or holidays. Parents are charged for these days if they occur on a day that the child is normally scheduled to attend.
Holidays The center will be closed for the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and Friday after
Christmas Break (Dec. 24-Dec. 31)
Snow Days Our center does not have snow days, but please use your own judgment for driving conditions.
Unscheduled Closings Occasionally bad weather causes unexpected power loss, the center will be closed due to these circumstances.
It is our policy to correct inappropriate behavior with love and respect. Under no circumstances should discipline occur with shame, humiliation, sarcasm, or physical punishment.
Incident reports Parents will be notified in the event of an incident of inappropriate behavior/language from their child.
Stony Creek reserves the right to terminate childcare at any time. Such reasons may include but are not limited to: non payment of services, lack of cooperation from parent/guardian when working through a behavior problem, disciplining in any way children other than your own while at the center, or the child exhibits special needs that cannot be worked through at the center.
Late Pick up
Stony Creek closes at 6 p.m. sharp! There is a $1 per minute late charge for every minute past 6 p.m. If no contact has been made to pick up a child by 6:30 p.m., the Washtenaw County Sheriff Department will be called to pick up the child.
Leaving Stony Creek
Each child enrolled in the Stony Creek Preschool program shall have a trial period consisting of five sessions from the date of the child’s first day of school. If a child withdraws during this period, tuition shall be refunded on a pro-rated basis. There is no obligation to continue the program.
We require that parents give the Director or Office at least two weeks notice prior to your child’s leaving the program. If two weeks notice is not given, you will be billed for the remainder of the two week period.
Medications shall only be administered with written permission from the parent or guardian. Prescription medication must have the pharmacy label with the physician’s name, child’s name, name of medication and dosage. The medication shall be given in accordance with those instructions. When medicine is given to a child, it will be documented to the time and dosage that was given or applied. All medications will be kept out of reach of children and shall be destroyed or returned when no longer needed.
The center shall have no responsibility for failure to provide requested medication nor adverse reactions which are caused directly from the administration of medication.
Parent Involvement
Parents are always welcome in our classroom, so please feel free to stay and help or observe your child. Remember that children usually act differently when Mom or Dad are there. Grandparents are also welcome to visit any time. Arrangements should be made for siblings should a parent decide to spend time with their child in the classroom.
Outside Recess
At Stony Creek children go outside daily with the exception of adverse weather. Dress your child appropriately to the weather so they will be comfortable while outdoors.
Our staff will check the photo identification of any person that they are not familiar with before releasing the child to them. All persons allowed to pick up a child must be listed on the child’s “Child Information Record” (emergency card).
You are required to supply court documentation if a biological parent is not allowed to pick up or have child contact at Stony Creek.
Sick Children
In order to insure the health of all children at Stony Creek, children will not be admitted to Stony Creek on any day when the child exhibits obvious symptoms of illness such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, contagious disease, excessive nasal discharge or are unable to play outside due to health conditions.
If your child becomes ill he/she will be comfortably cared for until the parent can arrive to take them home. The staff will promptly report any changes in the child’s health to the parents.