A community of learners growing together
There are many advantages to Stony Creek’s Pre-Kindergarten program. The class size is limited, providing much individualized attention to children who are 4 years of age and older. Pre-K is taught by a State Certified Teacher in a relaxed learning environment.
The program will greatly aid in the process of preparing your child for Kindergarten. Our curriculum includes several Learning Centers:
Language Arts
Play-Based Curriculum
It is our goal to provide a well organized, fun and educational experience for your child. We believe that parents are a child’s first and most important “teacher.” Therefore, your input is of great value to us. School should be a positive and happy experience for the entire family. Success depends on both teachers and families working together.
Young fives is a bridge between preschool and Kindergarten. At Stony Creek we offer more challenging activities in reading, writing, math and science. In addition, we will continue to work on social skills, routines, and classroom work habits that provide the foundation for a smooth transition to a Kindergarten classroom.
The recommended program attendance for Young 5s is five mornings per week. Minimum attendance is three mornings per week.
Our Milan Pre-K program is in the Toucan Room ( 4 year olds)
Our Ann Arbor Pre-K Bumblebee Room (4-6 years)